Printing and the circular economy in Can Calderon

At the Symposium that was held on November 24 in Can Calderon within the European week of waste prevention on printing and circular economy organized by Printer Phoenix in collaboration with the Viladecans City Council.

It should be noted that all the speakers, although from various points of view, agreed 100% of what affects the environment a misuse of printing or the management of printing without any control.

From Printer Phoenix, we thank ELENA ALARCÓN, Deputy Mayor for Companies, Innovation and Employment of the Viladecans City Council. ALFRED VARA. “Cap of the Department of Prevention and Efficiency of Resources and of the Waste Agency of Catalonia and JAVIER MARTINEZ, Embatex Iberia Manager for his presentation and opening the way to the Symposium speakers, such as:


BELEN GALLEGO. “Departament de Foment de Valorització de l’Agència de Residus de Catalunya” in his presentation on THE FUTURE SCENARIO OF THE MANAGEMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT WASTE

IGNASI CUBIÑÁ, Managing Director EIG (Eco Intelligent Growth), in his presentation on THE IMPACT OF IMAGE REPRODUCTION DEVICES

ANTONIO SANCHEZ, General Director of Nubeprint in his presentation of TECHNOLOGY AS LEVER

JAVIER MARTINEZ. Embatex Iberia Manager in his presentation on THE MANAGEMENT OF THE FLEET OF DEVICES

PAU PUJOLA Responsible for Justprint in its presentation of THE MANAGED PRINTING SERVICES

From Printer Phoenix we will promote more actions to serve as a starting point to make Viladecans a central point of the Printing Circular at the national level or even an International benchmark!

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